Market Permit | Calgary Parking

Market Permit

Market or Low-Income Market Permits are for parking your personal vehicle on the street within 150 metres of your address in a Residential Parking Zone.

You cannot get a Market or Low-Income Market Permit if you have a Residential Parking Permit that is still valid. Only one permit is allowed per address. There are no guarantees that a space will be available.

This permit is not eligible for visitor parking. Your visitors will have to park in available off-street parking or paid parking zones.

You can get a ticket for parking in permit restricted zones without a valid permit. If you live in a ground-oriented dwelling or multi-residential building built before 1945, you may need a different permit.

This applies to addresses in:

Large multi-residential building built after 1945

  • Four stories or taller in height
  • More than 20 dwelling units

How to apply

The rates below will take effect January 1, 2024.

Market Permit

Market Permit

Permit (maximum of one per address) Cost* Valid term # of vehicles
City Centre - Zone C $105/month 1 month  1 per permit
Inner City - Zones AAA, D, G, GG, J, K, L, LL, M, O, P, SNA, V, W, Z, ZZ $75/month 1 month  1 per permit
Suburbs - All other zones $50/month 1 month  1 per permit

Automatically renews until you cancel.

How to apply

  1. Log in or create a new account.
  2. Under Residential Parking Permits, click Apply for permits.
  3. Select the applicable permit type, select Yes for the question that best fits your situation and follow the prompts. 

For a guided tutorial on managing permits and parking sessions, look for the "Show help" button located in the top right corner on the platform

You will need:
  • Valid Alberta Vehicle Registration Certificate (original, copy or electronic image)
  • If applicable, provide supporting documents

You will receive an email with your permit approval or additional instructions within 48 hours. If you do not hear back after 2 business days, please contact us. You can get a ticket if you park before your permit is approved.

Methods of payment accepted:

  • Visa credit/debit
  • MasterCard credit/debit
  • AMEX
  • Discover

Note: Once your applications is approved, payment will be processed and the permit will become active on the first day of the following month. On the first day of each month, you'll be charged a monthly payment. Your Market Permit will be revoked if payment is consecutively declined.


This permit is not eligible for visitor parking. Your visitors will have to park in available off-street parking or on-street in accordance with posted signage.

Low-Income Market Permit

Low-Income Market Permit

Permit (maximum of one per address) Cost* Valid term # of vehicles
Low-income residents - All zones $2.50/month + GST 1 month 1 per permit

Automatically renews until you cancel or until the last day of the month that Fair Entry approval status expires.

How to apply

Note: To apply for a Low-Income Market permit, you must first have approval for the Fair Entry program

  1. Log in or create a new account.
  2. Under Residential Parking Permits, click Apply for permits.
  3. Select the applicable permit type, select Yes for the question that best fits your situation and follow the prompts. 

You will need:

  • Valid Alberta Vehicle Registration Certificate (original, copy or electronic image) OR if applicable, provide supporting documents
  • SAMS ID number

You will receive an email with your permit approval or additional instructions within 48 hours. If you do not hear back after 2 business days, please contact us. You can get a ticket if you park before your permit is approved.

Methods of payment accepted:

  • Visa credit/debit
  • MasterCard credit/debit
  • AMEX
  • Discover

Note: Once your applications is approved, payment will be processed and the permit will become active on the first day of the following month. On the first day of each month, you'll be charged a monthly payment. Your Market Permit will be revoked if payment is consecutively declined.


This permit is not eligible for visitor parking. Your visitors will have to park in available off-street parking or in accordance with posted signage. 

Temporary Permit

Temporary Permit

Temporary Permit

This permit is available to any building type eligible for Residential Parking Permits within a Residential Parking Zone. Each qualifying address can have a maximum of 2 Temporary Permits. The valid term for these permits can vary but cannot be extended or renewed. How long your permit will be valid is based on your situation. Only one vehicle may use this permit. This permit has no cost associated with it.

You can apply for a Temporary Permit if your address is eligible and you have out-of-town guests staying with you. The permit will usually be valid for 14 days.

Temporary Permits are for residents who live in a Residential Parking Zone and:

  • Are using a rental vehicle because their personal vehicle is being repaired;
  • Are moving from another state, province or community, and haven’t updated their vehicle registration yet; or
  • Have visitors from out-of-town

How to apply

  1. Log in or create a new account.
  2. Under Residential Parking Permits, click Apply for permits.
  3. Select the applicable permit type, select Yes for the question that best fits your situation and follow the prompts. 

 If applicable, provide supporting documents

You will receive an email with your permit approval or additional instructions within 48 hours. If you do not hear back after 2 business days, please contact us. You can get a ticket if you park before your permit is approved.

Supporting documents

If applying for the Market Permit or Low-Income Market Permit, you will be required to provide the following:


  1. Valid Vehicle Registration Certificate
  2. Proof of enrolment (one piece), to a school or post-secondary institution in Calgary e.g.:
    • Current school semester timetable
    • Enrolment letter confirming you are a current student
    • Current student ID with program expiration
  3. Proof of residency that confirms your name and address for the permit (one piece), e.g.:
    • Valid lease agreement (at least six months in duration)
    • Valid driver’s licence (within the last two months)
    • Telephone bill (within the last two months)
    • Utility/cable bill (within the last two months)
    • Bank or credit card statement (within the last two months)
    • Pay slip (within the last two months)

Company vehicles (registered in a company name)

  1. Valid Vehicle Registration Certificate showing the company name
  2. A letter signed and dated from the company authorizing you to use the vehicle, including their contact information, address and a description of the vehicle with licence plate
  3. Proof of residency that confirms your name and address for the permit (one piece), e.g.:
    • Valid lease agreement (at least six months in duration)
    • Valid driver’s licence (within the last two months)
    • Telephone bill (within the last two months)
    • Utility/cable bill (within the last two months)
    • Bank or credit card statement (within the last two months)
    • Pay slip (within the last two months)

Vehicles registered to an individual cannot be claimed as a company vehicle for this permit.

Shared family vehicles

  1. Valid Vehicle Registration Certificate registered at the family member’s address
  2. A letter signed and dated by the family member on the registration that you drive the vehicle, including their contact information, address and vehicle information with licence plate
  3. Proof of residency that confirms your name and address for the permit (one piece), e.g.:
    • Valid lease agreement (at least six months in duration)
    • Valid driver’s licence (within the last two months)
    • Telephone bill (within the last two months)
    • Utility/cable bill (within the last two months)
    • Bank or credit card statement (within the last two months)
    • Pay slip (within the last two months)

Dual residents (with a residence outside of the City of Calgary)

  1. Valid Vehicle Registration Certificate with the address outside Calgary city limits
  2. Proof of residency for the address outside Calgary city limits, including date, address and name (one piece)
  3. Proof of residency in Calgary, including the date, address for the permit and your name (one piece), e.g.:
    • Valid lease agreement (at least six months in duration)
    • Valid driver’s licence (within the last two months)
    • Telephone bill (within the last two months)
    • Utility/cable bill (within the last two months)
    • Bank or credit card statement (within the last two months)
    • Pay slip (within the last two months)

Vehicle registration to a P.O. Box

  1. Valid Vehicle Registration Certificate with the P.O. Box number. If the P.O. Box is not shown, you must also include a receipt proving ownership of the P.O. Box.
  2. Proof of residency that confirms your name and address for the permit (one piece), e.g.:
    • Valid lease agreement (at least six months in duration)
    • Valid driver’s licence (within the last two months)
    • Telephone bill (within the last two months)
    • Utility/cable bill (within the last two months)
    • Bank or credit card statement (within the last two months)
    • Pay slip (within the last two months)

If your P.O. Box is outside of Calgary, please apply as a Dual Resident.

Temporary permits require the following documents:

Rental vehicle from a repair facility

You can apply for a Temporary Permit if you are using a courtesy vehicle because your vehicle is being repaired. The permit will usually be valid for the term of the rental agreement or the term on the letter from the repair facility. You must provide:

  1. Vehicle rental agreement or letter from the repair facility, showing the return date
  2. Proof of residency that confirms your name and address for the permit (one piece), e.g.:
    • A valid lease agreement (of at least six months in duration)
    • Telephone bill (within the last two months)
    • Utility/cable bill (within the last two months)
    • Bank or credit card statement (within the last two months)
    • Pay slip (within the last two months)
    • Valid driver’s licence

Moving within the province

You can apply for a Temporary Permit if you are moving to Calgary from somewhere else in the province but haven’t updated your vehicle registration yet. The permit will usually be valid for 14 days to give you time to update your vehicle registration.

  1. Valid Alberta Vehicle Registration Certificate
  2. Proof of residency that confirms your name and address for the permit (original, copy or electronic image) e.g.:
    • A valid lease agreement (of at least six months in duration)
    • Telephone bill (within the last two months)
    • Utility/cable bill (within the last two months)
    • Bank or credit card statement (within the last two months)
    • Pay slip (within the last two months)
    • Valid driver’s licence

Moving from outside the province

You can apply for a Temporary Permit if you are moving to Calgary from outside of the province but haven’t updated your vehicle registration yet. The permit can be valid for up to 90 days to give you time to get a vehicle inspection and Alberta Vehicle Registration Certificate.

  1. Valid out-of-province Vehicle Registration Certificate
  2. Proof of residency that confirms your name and address for the permit (original, copy or electronic image) e.g.:
    • A valid lease agreement (of at least six months in duration)
    • Telephone bill (within the last two months)
    • Utility/cable bill (within the last two months)
    • Bank or credit card statement (within the last two months)
    • Pay slip (within the last two months)
    • Valid driver’s licence

Out-of-town visitors

You can apply for a Temporary Permit if your address is eligible and you have out-of-town guests staying with you. The permit will usually be valid for 14 days.

  1. A letter indicating the dates of the visit
  2. A copy of the visitor’s vehicle registration showing the out-of-town address
  3. One of the following documents showing the applicant's name and current address where the permit is required within the RPZ:
    • A valid lease agreement (of at least six months in duration)
    • Telephone bill (within the last two months)
    • Utility/cable bill (within the last two months)
    • Bank or credit card statement (within the last two months)
    • Pay slip (within the last two months)
    • Valid driver’s licence

See also:
