How parking supports local businesses and city initiatives

Calgary is growing and so is the need to support local businesses that shape our city's identity, from the coffee shop on the corner to the family-run hardware store down the street. The big question is: How can parking play a role in keeping Calgary's local economy strong?

Welcome to The Parking Spot

To encourage connections, share valuable parking resources and contribute to vibrant, safe and accessible communities, Calgary Parking manages and administers parking resources because parking isn't just about finding a spot—it's about shaping our neighbourhoods, supporting local businesses and contributing to a thriving business and local economy.

Let's talk with Reachel, the leader of strategic business planning at Calgary Parking, about how parking supports local businesses, connects communities and impacts economic resilience. Enjoy!

Reachel, the leader of strategic business planning at Calgary Parking,

1. Many residents are concerned about affordable parking. How does the Strategic Business Planning unit at Calgary Parking prioritize affordability?

Affordability is prioritized by setting policies that support parking rates that are below market. Calgary Parking conducts rate reviews to understand market parking rates across the city. Our rates are generally set at 10% below market to provide affordable options for our customers. In addition, we offer many promotions which provide further discounts on our already low parking rates.  

Calgary Parking promotions

2. How does parking with Calgary Parking directly support local businesses? Can you share specific success stories from our communities?

Calgary Parking supports local businesses in two ways – we provide conveniently located on and off-street parking to support local businesses – especially businesses that do not have on-site parking.  This parking is strategically priced to promote turnover and space availability.

In addition, the revenue collected on-street is reinvested into Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) through our Parking Revenue Reinvestment Program. This program has been in place for over seven years and has funded several infrastructure and service improvement projects such as the Beltline Urban Murals Project (BUMP), Downtown West Triangle Park and Glow Festival.  


3. What portion of parking revenues goes toward funding city initiatives and how do residents benefit from these investments?

All of Calgary Parking's net revenues are returned to the City and go into general funds – Calgary Parking has no input on where these funds are directly allocated.  However, we do provide direct allocations to BIAs through the Parking Reinvestment Fund and the Streets Operating budget for street maintenance. 

Funds collected from the residential Market Permit and on-street paid parking operations are distributed to Community Associations (CAs) for infrastructure improvement in their respective communities. 

4. Can you discuss how collaborations/partnerships between Calgary Parking and Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) help create a win-win situation for local businesses and Calgarians?

Calgary Parking works closely with BIAs to provide affordable parking options for their customers. We also regularly engage with BIAs to make sure that our policies and programs align with business activities. 

For our most recent parking policy changes for on-street parking management and the Parking Revenue Reinvestment Program, we consulted with this group and incorporated their feedback in the policy updates. This ensures that our policy and programs are intentionally working to support BIAs. 

5. Can you explain how parking revenues are helping create a more inclusive, connected and vibrant city ?

Parking revenues are continually used to improve the products and services provided by Calgary Parking. For example, we are expanding our electric vehicle (EV) charging program and have included four new charging stations at Lot 7. We have several programs to support our diverse users, such as Veterans Parking, Small Car Parking and Motorcycle Parking. 


6. What innovations or projects are funded by parking revenue that Calgarians may not know about but significantly impact the quality of their daily lives?

The Parking Revenue Reinvestment Fund can be used for mobility capital work, public realm improvements and annual operational services. Since the program’s inception back in February 2017, the reinvestment fund has been used on the following projects:

  • Holiday Lighting on 17th Avenue Retail and Entertainment District BIA
  • Stephen Avenue Masterplan for the Calgary Downtown Association
  • General Avenue Plaza improvements in Bridgeland
  • Cliff Bungalow/Mission Community Garden
  • High Park in Beltline 

7. With emerging trends like electric vehicles and shared mobility, how is Calgary Parking preparing for a future where traditional parking revenue streams may change?

Calgary Parking is preparing for emerging trends such as electric vehicles and shared mobility by ensuring that our infrastructure and technology are set up to support change. For example, Calgary Parking has always provided monthly bicycle parking at six of our parkades. 

Over the years, we have had some requests for secured daily bicycle parking. The provision of daily bicycle parking required some infrastructure changes and updates to the parking operations. We will be piloting daily bicycle parking at our City Centre Parkade in 2025.   


8. How does the Strategic Business Planning unit at Calgary Parking ensure its parking policies and programs reflect our city's diverse needs and cultures?

The Strategic Business Planning unit at Calgary Parking ensures its parking policies and programs reflect our city's diverse needs and cultures by ensuring that we provide many options and flexibility. Our ParkPlus system, which was created in-house, offers several payment options such as mobile App payment, text-to-park, call-to-park and pay machines. 

Our pay machines accept coins, credit cards, Apple Pay and SmartPay. We also provide a number of products, such as the 10-day Flex Pass and in-app promotions, that are affordable and flexible parking options for our customers.

easy payment options

9. What role does public feedback play in shaping Calgary Parking's initiatives and how can residents get involved in planning for the future?

Public feedback is crucial in establishing and improving Calgary Parking's initiatives. Public feedback comes in the form of questions and comments provided by our customers to our Customer Service team and social media channels. Calgary Parking also issues annual surveys and conducts focus groups. 

Customer feedback is reviewed and incorporated into products and/or services provided by Calgary Parking. Residents can get involved in planning for the future through any public consultation sessions hosted by Calgary Parking and by providing comments directly to our social media channels and the Customer Service Team. 


10. What is one key message you'd like residents to take away about the importance of parking with Calgary Parking to support local businesses and community growth?

Calgary Parking provides conveniently located parking at affordable rates. When you park with us, you continually support local businesses, city programs and initiatives.   


Categories: Community
