Information | MyParking app issue on Android devices resolved

The issue affecting the MyParking app on Android devices has been resolved. To ensure the app functions properly, please uninstall and reinstall it. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

Department Profile – Information Technology

Meet Alex, Leader of Information Technology (IT) at Calgary Parking. Take a look at what Alex and his team bring to Calgary Parking and people who walk, wheel, drive, or take transit. Enjoy the read!

How long have you worked for The City?
I have worked for The City for approximately nine years.

Can you tell us a bit about your department?
The IT team for Infrastructure Operations makes sure all IT services run smoothly, from end-user support to managing two enterprise data centers. We support the parking services for over 100,000 internal and external clients while securing over 4 million credit card transactions each year.

We take a comprehensive and proactive approach to keeping our systems safe and ensuring compliance with industry standards. We use several security measures, such as monthly vulnerability scans, simulated phishing exercises, password management tools, next-generation endpoint protection and user education initiatives. These steps are necessary to protect our systems from possible cyber threats and maintain our clients' trust.

Can you share any exciting new projects you are working on at Calgary Parking?As Calgary Parking's IT team for Infrastructure Operations, we oversee hundreds of server upgrades and other important IT-related projects that enhance our operational efficiency and reinforce the security of our infrastructure in alignment with best practices.

Early this month, we launched a Phishing Scam Awareness Campaign themed "STOP. VERIFY. REPORT." to educate Calgarians on what to watch out for during parking scams to reduce human-facing cyber risk, empowering Calgarians with the tools and resources they need to avoid becoming victims of parking-related phishing attacks.

What does a typical day look like for you?
My day involves ensuring that all ongoing projects and tasks are progressing smoothly. I regularly meet with interest holders and team members to review project timelines and address potential challenges. Supporting my team is a top priority and I work proactively to remove any roadblocks so they can focus on delivering exceptional results.

What do you like best about working for The City?
The best part of my job is working alongside my incredible team. They consistently go above and beyond and their dedication and technical skills make every day rewarding. They are creative, innovative problem-solvers who are always willing to help each other and the broader organization. I feel privileged to lead such a talented group of exceptional Calgarians.

How can I find more information about managing phishing attacks and parking scams? 
You can learn more by watching this video.

Categories: Employee spotlight
